Control what each employee has, (and doesn't have), access to when logging in through their own Username.
Proceed to: Manage > Basic Settings > Employees > Permissions
Schedule Appointments: Employees will be able to create appointments on the schedule and prebook, reschedule appointments.
Cancel Appointments: Will allow the ability to cancel a scheduled appointment.
Manage Cancellation Policy: Has the ability to make changes to your business cancellation policy.
Schedule Time On/Off: Employees will be able to schedule Time Off to prevent appointments from being scheduled. They are also able to open time to allow appointments to be scheduled for time normally blocked off.
Manage Schedule Colors: To permit for this permission to be on, will mean allowing employees to adjust the colors of the schedule statuses on the schedule. Such as: color for checked in appointments, confirmed appointments, closed appointments, etc. This will also be the place to adjust the client type colors, which are the small boxes that appear on the lower right hand corner of the appointments.
Manage Clients : Allows access to the client tab, which contains methods to add, merge and search for clients. This permission will also allow for activating your New OCS Clients.
Manage Appt. Notifications : Allows you to manage appointment reminders for clients via Text and Email as well as employee notifications for their scheduled appointments.
Can see Client Contact Information : Allows you to see a clients contact information such as email and phone number. When turned off the user will not see contact information for any clients.
* Note: if Manage Clients is turned on this permission will be overridden and user will see client contact info.
Point of Sale
Manage Tickets: When this is on it allows you to checkin/checkout clients for the business.
Delete Tickets: This will allow for the employee to completely remove a ticket from the ticket lists. Please note that the permission to re-open tickets needs to be turned on before an employee will be able to delete a ticket.
* Note: Manage Tickets needs to be on for this to be applied
Re-Open Tickets: The ability to re-open tickets needs to be enabled for any edits to a closed ticket.
* Note: Manage Tickets needs to be on for this to be applied
Discount Tickets: This will give an employee the ability to apply a discount to a client's ticket.
View Ticket Summary: This will allow for permission to run the ticket summary report for all employees. This will show the total for each ticket with a breakdown of each employee.
Use Cash Drawer: Allow employees to begin each day by recording the physical cash on hand in the drawer. At the end of the day they will also be able to record the ending figure amounts. This will not allow them access to previous or others cash drawers.
* Note: This needs to be turned on to check out clients!
Manage Cash Drawer: This will allow them full access to view the PDF cash drawer report for all cash drawers and previous dates.
Manage Inventory: Allows access to manage Distributors, Brands, Product Groups, and Products. If you need to have access to Mass Update and Order you will turn them on also.
Mass Update Inventory: Is a complete record of all products you have in inventory, both retail and professional.
* Note: Manage Inventory needs to be on to enable the Mass Update Inventory
Manage Orders: Will be able to create orders for new and recorders. It is all automated, but you will be able to add, update and delete individual items on the order after creating.
Time Clock
Manage Time Clock: Each employee’s time clock log will be available under this permission. An employee with this permission, will have access to clocking employees in and/or adjusting time clock stamps.
* Note: If this permission is off, the employee will just have view-mode of the time clock, in where they can only clock themselves in and out but cannot adjust their time stamps.
Can Clock in Others: Employee is able to clock other employees in and out under their own log in.
Can Clock in Self: This is to limit the ability of the employees with the Service Provider role so that they cannot clock themselves in while under their own log in. They would have to be clocked in under another employee, (such as a Receptionist or Manager), that has the ability to clock in others.
View Billing: Will allow view ability to the transaction history for each month that your business has been with Rosy Salon Software. A statement report can also be populated with this permission with any date range.
Manage Billing : This permission is an enhancement to “View Billing”. Not only does it grant access to the view billing settings but it will also allow permission to add/delete the card on file and to make a payment on the account.
Manage Business Settings: Will allow access to Basic Information, Detailed Settings and Scheduling Hours for your business.
Manage Client Originations: Client Originations allow you to define where a client originated from, or in other words, how they heard about your business. This will allow employees to create or edit origination types.
Manage Client Types: Client Types are used to track client source and/or retention. They are color-coded on your schedule screen as a small box at the bottom corner of the appointment box.
Manage Credit Card Processing: Will allow an employee to access the Advanced Setting > Credit Card Processing screen to make adjustments to settings and view MerchantTrack.
Manage Employees: Allows access to employee settings. Tabs that containing contact information, login information, permissions and schedule can be viewed and edited with this permission. This permission also grants authority to add and terminate employees.
Manage Gift Cards: This function will allow employees to access the gift card tab which will include a full list of current and expired gift cards. Information on the page will include the gift card amount, the date and the client who purchased it with the balances on the gift cards.
* Note: This needs to be turned on to sell and redeem a gift card
Manage Marketing: This will allow an employee to access the Text Marketing screen to view, create, edit, or send text marketing campaigns.
Manage Memberships : This permission will grant access to add/remove and adjust membership settings such as: name, pricing, taxation, expiration date and services attached to the memberships.
Manage OCS: Allows access to completely customize the online client scheduling feature. Such as Basic settings; allowing clients to create appointments online. The login message, theme, logo, service and employee settings for the online scheduling and to make adjustments by having access to this permission.
Manage Packages : This permission will grant access to add/remove and adjust package settings such as: name, pricing, taxation, expiration date and services attached to the package.
Manage Promotions: Will allow permission to select services and associate with a products in order to set up a promotion and sell more products.
Manage Resources: Resources refer to any special equipment used in performing services, such as pedicure chairs, massage tables, etc. The system keeps track of resource availability and won’t book an appointment requiring a resource that’s already in use.
Manage Rewards: Will allow access to edit the rewards active, inactive, values etc.
* Note: Only the security roles of Owner and Manager will have permission to manually add or remove reward points from a client's profile.
Manage Services: Will allow for the action of adding, deleting and adjusting services and/or service groups. This includes, name of service, if it will be taxable, if there will be a product charge, status of the service, resource and whether it will show online.
* Note: The Product charge is a charge that will be deducted from the service provider’s commission to cover the cost of products used for the service, such as color tubes (also known as a service charge). This is NOT the price the client is being charged for the service!
Access Reports : This will give you the option to give permission to selected reports under the access control in Reports.
* Note: You will need to be logged in as an OWNER to be able to give an employee access to the reports you want them in particular to have
Proceed to: Reports > Access Control (at the top, right corner of the screen) > Select the employee's name from the drop-down
- Once you check the box next to each report you'd like this employee to have access to, the page will automatically save.
- Certain reports allow you to restrict access to the information on the report. When checking the box "Self Only" for a report, that employee will be limited to only seeing their results when accessing the report from their login.
Send Salon Notifications : Allows a user to send messages and notifications to other employees in your account (Bell icon on top right of any page).
Switch Locations: ONLY pertains to multi-locations with a Master account. Allows "Toggling" between different locations the user has been given access to.
Use the Guided Setup: Allows access to make changes to your business through the Setup Wizard. This contains Business Settings, Service Groups, Services, Employees, Inventory and Importing Clients.