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- Scheduling
- Modifying Appointments
Canceling an Appointment
Canceling an Appointment from the Client Log:1. You have three different ways to access the guest's Client Log:
a) Go to Manage > Clients > Search & select the client's name or phone number

b) If the has a ticket that is currently open, click on their name in the Ticket List, then click on the Client's name at the top of the Ticket
c) If you have already scheduled the client a different appointment, you can click on that appointment on the Schedule, then click on the Client's name in the top left corner
2. Go to the client's Future Appointments tab
3. Next to the appointment the client would like to cancel, click the red
4. Choose the Cancellation Type and enter a Reason, then click Submit
If the Client can give you the Appointment Date & Time:
1. Use the calendar to the left of the Schedule to select the date the client's appointment is on
2. Click the client's appointment on the Schedule
3. Click Cancel Appt
3. Choose the Cancellation Type and enter a Reason, then click Submit
4. If the client has more than one service on that day, you will see this pop-up:

- If the client is cancelling their entire appointment, click "Yes"
- If the client is only cancelling that particular service, click "No"