Commission Report

Effortlessly calculate service and retail commission rates for each employee based off of their commission percentage set in their profiles

There are two types of employee commissions:
FLAT RATE - Flat rate employee commission percentages should be entered under the employee settings before running the Commission Report
(Manage >
Employee > Click on employee name > Settings)

employee commission scales
should be setup and assigned within your Advanced Settings

Running the Commission Report without Product Charges:

1.    Choose the date range you'd like to run the report for

2.    If you'd like to view one employee at a time, choose the employee

3.    Click Run Detail Report OR Run Summary Report
* Note: The Detail Report provides a breakdown of each employee’s commission amounts per transaction, along with a commission total at the bottom of each section.  To expand the details, click the employee's name in blue


Running the Commission Report with Product Charges:
A Product Charge is a fee for product usage from specific performed services deducted from the Service Providers' commission, (some businesses refer to this as a Service Charge)

- Product charges are to be entered under each service as a dollar amount or as a percentage, before checking out guests for the service(s) and running the report
(Manage > Basic Settings >
> Click on the name of the Service)


1.    Choose the date range you'd like to run the report for

2.    If you'd like to view one employee at a time, choose the employee

3.    Utilize the Subtract Product Charge filter:

After: Commission percentage will be calculated first from the service price.  THEN, the product charge will be subtracted
$100 (service) , 50% (commission) = $50   |   $50 - $5 (product charge) = $45 total

Before: Product Charge will be subtracted from the Service Price first, THEN the Commission percentage will be calculate from that

Example: $100 (service) - $5 (product charge) = $95   |   $95, 50% (commission) = $47.50 total

4.    Click Run Detail Report OR Run Summary Report

* Note: The Detail Report provides a breakdown of each employee’s commission amounts per transaction, along with a commission total at the bottom of each section.  To expand the details, click the employee's name in blue
Expanded Commissions

House Fees will also affect an employee's commission total. Learn more here!