Wondering what a Security Role is in your Employees' Permissions? Check out our overview here:
Back Room: Used by assistants and color room associates, this security role allows personnel to facilitate mixing & recording color formulas, organizing resources, viewing appointments, etc...
- Has on screen access to all stylists’ daily schedules, and customer Client Logs which hold formulas and notes.
- They cannot create or change appointments, nor access the stylist's sales figures.
- In the Employee Permissions, you have the ability to customize what permissions are assigned to each role including this one.
Service Provider: Service Providers can view only their own Schedule.
- They can be granted the ability to schedule and cancel their own appointments by setting the appropriate permissions.
- The Service Provider has access to the customer Client Logs and color Formula tab for each client on his/her own schedule. As well as view Notes or apply Ticket Notes for desk staff to see.
- In the Employee Permissions, you have the ability to customize what permissions are assigned to each role including this one.
- We recommend changing a Service Provider to a Receptionist if you'd like them to be able to see everyone's Schedule, rather than just their own.
Receptionist: Receptionists will have on-screen access to all stylists’ daily schedules, and the ability to create, adjust and cancel appointments is a default for this role.
- When a sales ticket needs to be checked out and/or adjust the receptionist will have access to do this. However, they will not have the default permissions to delete any sales tickets.
- The “Manage” tab is available to them with these functions: Clients, Gift Cards, Time Clock and Cash Drawer.
- In the Employee Permissions, you have the ability to customize what permissions are assigned to each role including this one.
Manager: Allows full access to the schedule and program.
- This security role has full access to changing and/or deleting tickets.
- The Manager and the Owner are the only two roles that will have the ability to manually adjust Rewards Points for clients.
- In the Employee Permissions, you have the ability to customize what permissions are assigned to each role including this one.
- They will have access to all the Reports by default, but these can be managed through the Access Control by an Owner login.
- Billing access will be defaulted OFF
Owner: Allows unlimited access to all parts of the system.
- In the Employee Permissions, you have the ability to customize what permissions are assigned to each role including this one.
Apprentice: The apprentice has to be set under another employee as being deemed their "helper".
- Any services put onto the Apprentice schedule will be checked out under the Service Provider's name they are deemed "helper" for. In other words, Apprentices do not receive commission.