Getting a BoothRunner account started is easy!
Simply start with a new free trial through our website:
Once your account is created, just let your Account Manager know you need to be connected to an Owner as a Renter account.
(877) 346-7679 x3
You will have a separate Business ID from the Owner account.
You are now ready to start setting up your account as soon as possible!
Note: You are not able to set up Services in a Renter account. They will need to be set up in the Owner account then assigned to the "Employee" Assigned Services in the Renter account.
Specific to Renter Settings:
If this setting is toggled to No, any clients you add within the Renter account cannot be searched and found in the Owner account, (unless they were added separately into the Owner's account).
Specific to Owner Settings:
Like the Renter, the Owner also has the ability to choose whether or not they would like to share clients with their Renters. They also have the ability to choose whether or not they would like to allow Renters to sell Products from their separate Renter account!
Renters do NOT need to be added as employees in the Owner account.
However, they can be if the Owner wants to allow Renters to log into the Owner account for whatever reason.
* In this case, the Owner will want to make sure Perform Services in the "employee" settings is set to NO. (If they are set to Yes, the Renter will have two columns in the Owner account, and the Owner would be charged for the additional column.)
Click here for more information on BoothRunner accounts!