Adding/Editing Product Groups
Product Groups refer to the type of product, (for example: Shampoo, Conditioner, Moisturizer, etc).
This is the second step to adding Products manually.
Proceed to: Manage > Inventory > Product Groups
Choosing a Standard Product Group:
We provide standard Product Groups in an organized list for you to choose from.
1. Click the "Available" tab at the top
2. Click the
icon to add any Product Groups of choice to your "Assigned" list to be chosen from upon adding a Product.
3. If none of our standard Product Groups are sufficient, you can add your own Custom Product Group by clicking the "New Custom Group" tab at the top
4. Enter the Product Group Name, and choose a Product Category. (The Sort Order field is optional, and will determine where the Product Group is found within the Brand list on your Products page.)
5. Continue to adding Products manually
Editing a Product Group:
Proceed to: Manage > Inventory > Product Groups
1. Click on the name of the Product Group you'd like to make adjustments to
2. Make any necessary changes, then click Save
Note: If you'd like to DELETE the Product Group, you'd need to make sure there are NO Products currently assigned to it. You will see any Products within that Product Group listed to the right.