What is Tippy?!
Tippy is a digital tipping system built for service industry professionals by industry professionals. Tippy’s disruptive technology offers a suite of tools improving service providers’ tips and helps to meet and exceed financial goals.
Tippy offers instant access to tips through their exclusive partner with Branch! With Branch, you can spend just like any other checking account, earn rewards on transactions, and even transfer your tips to other accounts - all for free!
Will you still have to claim your tips?
We are not tax advisors and as a best practice, you should seek information from a tax professional when determining taxable income. The good news is, that Tippy provides reporting for both the business owner and service professional that makes it easy to determine how much has been earned. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/tip-recordkeeping-and-reporting
A few setup steps:
First, download the app:

You will need your company id/code your owner or mgr got this on their company set up and they can find it in their Company Tippy Dash Board.
Company id/code looks like:


Now that you have the Tippy App setup be sure to connect it to your Rosy Account!
Under Login with POS

Sign- in to your Rosy Account


Cha-Ching! Your employee just got the Tippy notification from the Tippy App!!!!!!

When the transaction is complete the tip(s) will go directly to the employee's Tippy account
You are all set! Great Job and Happy Tippy'n