Downloading New Products:
Proceed to: Manage > Inventory > Products
1. Click SalonInteractive Products

2. Select Download New Products

3. Click on the name of the Brand you'd like to download

4. Filter and Choose the Products within the Brand you'd like to download

5. Scroll to the bottom of the Product list and select the Distributor you order your Products from. (If you do not order your Products from any of our Integrated Distributors, select None.)
6. Click Download Selected Products

7. You will receive a pop-up letting you know how many Products were downloaded, and asking whether you'd like to download more Brands, or complete the process

Syncing Existing Products:
Product data that has changed from your Distributor OR the SalonInteractive Product Catalog can be synced to reflect updates in your Inventory list.
Proceed to: Manage > Inventory > Products
1. Click SalonInteractive Products

2. Click Sync Existing Products

3. Select the Brand you'd like to update/sync

4. Click Synchronize

5. Once you receive this message at the bottom, you can click Done at the top

Data points that may be updated are:
- Name
- Size
- Barcode (UPC)
- Category
- Brand
- Active/Inactive
- Retail/Professional
Updating Prices:
Proceed to: Manage > Inventory > Products
1. Click SalonInteractive Products

2. Click Update Prices

3. Select the Distributor you typically order these products from
4. Click Obtain Distributor Prices

5. Click Accept All at the top, or click Accept next to each individual Product

6. If you clicked "Accept All" you will receive this confirmation message. Click Yes

7. You should receive a green message saying "Updated" next to each product once done. If you receive a red ERROR message next to any Products, please contact Rosy Support