Future Recurring Membership Income

The Future Recurring Membership Income report will allow you to view potential income from recurring membership payments that are scheduled to be processed.
Note: If a membership is scheduled to cancel on a future date the income from that membership will not be reflected after that scheduled cancellation date.

1.   Reports > Future Recurring Membership Income (Under Financial)

2.   Choose the date range for the future, (exclude today)

3.   Employee Filter: This refers to the employee that initially sold the membership.  You can choose a specific employee or leave it as is to run the report for all

4.   Membership Filter: You can choose to run the projected income for a specific Membership, or leave it as is to run it for all

5.   Click Run Report. Then click "I Need It Now" OR "I Can Wait"
I Need It Now:  This will continue to run the report and populate the data as long as you do not exit out of the page
I Can Wait:  This will run the report, and move it to your Saved Reports folder found at the top, right of your main Reports page for you to come back and view at a later time

Recurring Services Membership

Cost: This is how much the client gets charged per month for the Membership. If the client is going to be charged more than once within the date range you chose, it will be multiplied by how many times they are to be charged.

Recurrence: Quantity of services the client will have earned within the date range.
Example: Our Gold Membership comes with 2 services per month. The clients who purchased this membership are normally charged $100 per month.  If I run this report for the next 3 months in the future, a client with this membership will have a total cost of $300, and Recurrence amount of 6.
Total = Cost (x) Recurrence

Example: Continuing the example provided above, this client's Total would be $1,800