Cancelled Appointments Report

This is a detailed report of client cancellations for any given time period.
1.     Proceed to:  Reports > Cancelled Appointments
2.     Select a date range
3.     Click Run Detail Report
4.     You are able to print by using CRTL + P on your keyboard, (COMMAND + P if you are using a Mac computer)
- Before running the report, you are able to filter by employee, service, or search for a client using the search box at the top right.
Note: If you are searching a specific client, make sure you spelled their name correctly!

- You are also able to control the view in which the report is grouped, (by employee, or by service).

On the report, you will see:
- Date and Time the appointment was for (shows each service)
- Client Name
- Service(s) they had
- The Employee(s) they were Scheduled with
- Cancellation Type & Reason

 cancelled appointments